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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Week 3

Last weekend I was at the laundry mat and I witnessed something that took me for a loop. There was a 3 year old who could hardly form words sitting their playing with a toy gun. My question: How is it that we learn how to use a Gun before we learn how to speak. We are growing up in a society that prizes violence over encouragement.

Right now I am at the Marriott in Orlando and there is a dance competition going on. Which means two things: 1) annoying preteens and teens and 2) annoying parents of preteens and teens. I was really surprised that a lot of the adults are drinking beer at the dance recitals. I found it guite humorous. But what got me was that parents allow their daughters who are like 7-13 years of age dress provocatively. These kids were hardly wearing anything. One of the mothers was like, "it is only for the competition." Let me tell you something mothers, If you let them dress like that in public for a competition they will think it is ok to dress like that all the time! I was just very surprised at the terrible parenting that was happening.

I will write more later, I am about to hit the hay because we have to set up everything tomorrow morning very early!

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