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Friday, January 7, 2011

Fantasia's song "Im doin me," is a good song. It is catchy, the lyrics are well thought out, and the premise of the song is a women who gets taken advantage of and she is now going to start living for herself. While I agree that there is a point if you are in a harmful relationship you need to think about yourself, this idea of Im doin me has sunk into other aspect of our culture. It has created a more self-centered atmosphere. There are a few more rap songs that talk about "im doin me" and it is all about money, fame, and women. This is something that God clearly talks about. In Phil. 2, the writer talks about how we should have the same attitude of Christ. We are in humility to be servants to one another, putting others interests before our own. Again, i think Fantasia's song is good and in her situation may be appropriate.... but looking into the future....has this begun a slef-centered cutlure ? or has it always been self centered? now im just rambling...

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