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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Respectable Sins

I sometimes feel that I take Christ and use him as my own personal "get out of hell" free card. I guess I have been thinking about all the sins in my life that are "respectable." By that I mean, those sins in my life that I hardly notice in my life. Sins like Anxiety and Frustration, Discontentment, unthankfulness, Pride, Selfishness, Lack of Self-Control, Impatience, Anger, being Judgmental, Envy, Jealously, and Speech.

The danger in Sin is it's ability to be hidden. SO we live lives that are corrupted by sin all the while it roots ensnare our hearts choking the very Truth from our souls. While the big sins like, Drunkenness, Porn, and Adultery are major obstacles to overcome in our Christian walk, I believe its the "Respectable" sins that will destroy your relationship with God.

Search yourselves and ask God to show you areas in your life where there are sins hiding. Ask the Holy Spirit to clean our your heart, mind, and your soul.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, it's those less obvious or talked about sins that are in our daily lives that can have a huge affect on our relationship with God. I am noticing this stuff in my life right now and am trying to overcome my selfishness and my desire to do things my way. It takes a willingness to surrender every area of our lives, and I'm struggling with that at the moment. I just joined a small group though and it starts tomorrow :] (i'm only here for another month before I move to Spain!)
