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Friday, April 8, 2011

When you give, you are actually buying..

For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, 4 they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people. -2 Corinthians 8:3-5

This whole passage is a must read! While some consider it boring (which usually I do) I find an awesome truth that is hidden in the midst of Paul talking about the collection that the believers took. I think some of the reason why I got something out of it is because the church I go to is in their last stage before moving into our new building. The building project costed more than anticipated and anyone who knows anything about construction knows thats normal. Paul is encouraging and giving thanks to the people who gave beyond their ability to the collection. Look at the verses above. They "urgently pleaded" to be apart of the ministry. I dont know the last time I heard that out of someones mouth! They understood something that has been lost in today's society. Not as a result of ourselves but as a harsh reality of the world we live in. We are skeptical. If we dont like something, we find something else. If a church sings a song we dont like, or doesnt have a light show, then we go somewhere else. We are hesitant to invest in something because we are afraid that 6 months from now we will have thought it was a waist of money.

The Corinthian church understood something.

They understood that providing for God's kingdom meant everything.

They understood that no gift to the kingdom of God is useless.

They understood that satisfaction and the eagerness of being a part of what God is doing in the world.

They understood that by giving they were buying into something. They were buying accountability.


Accountability. When they gave to the collection they were no longer just people sitting on the sidelines. They were giving people. They bought a level of ownership. In youth ministry, one of the key points I focus on is ownership. I tell students that youth group is what YOU make it. Students need to take ownership, instead of entitlement. Imagine all the good that could be done, if we took ownership of something, instead of feeling entitled to it. As I look to the New building at Community of Hope, I want to see hundreds of volunteers taking ownership, people who have invested their money, time, and lives to God's kingdom. I dont want to see hundreds of entitled people who gave barely anything. When you give, you are buying into something. You are buying into God's kingdom. You are buying into the great things God is going to do. My question is: then why dont we give more?!

Anyways, thats my thought for the day!

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